Discovering community and creativity through skateboarding culture

My first skateboard was a 70's cruiser that was lovingly refurbished by my grandpa to give to me at Christmas. Unbeknownst to me at the time, that little red board was the catalyst for so much learning and self-discovery. This week I've had the joy of reading and sharing @myfirstskateboardthebook with our William Watson students. Karl Watson's messages of perseverance and inclusivity are accentuated with charming illustrations by Henry Jones. I also owe a big thanks to Eric Eckert for allowing us to colour his captivating maze drawings like this one of skate legend, Danny Way. "Whether you are male or female, big or small, short or tall, skateboarding accepts us all" - K. Watson. #myfirstskateboard #librarytime #williamwatsonlearningcommons